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Dr. Klaus Mueller

Professor and Interim Chair Dr. Klaus Mueller
Department of Technology and Society
Ph.D., The Ohio State University 

Klaus Mueller received a PhD in Computer Science from The Ohio State University in 1998, an MS in Biomedical Engineering from The Ohio State University in 1990, and a BS in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Ulm, Germany in 1987. Apart from his Interim Chair position at the Department of Technology and Society, he is also a professor in the Computer Science Department, and a senior scientist at the Computational Science Initiative at Brookhaven National Lab. From 2012-2015, Klaus served as the founding chair of the Computer Science Department at SUNY Korea and he was also VP for Academic Affairs and Finance at SUNY Korea for two years. 

Klaus won the US National Science Foundation Early Career award in 2001, the SUNY Chancellor Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity in 2011, the IEEE Computer Society Meritorious Service Certificate in 2016 and the IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Award in 2016 and 2022. In 2018 Klaus was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors.

His current research interests are visual analytics, explainable machine learning and AI, fair and trustworthy AI, data science, and computational and medical imaging. To date, he has authored more than 300 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, which have been cited more than 12,500 times. Links to most of his papers can be obtained via his Google Scholar page and his personal research page.

Klaus is a frequent speaker at international conferences, has organized or participated in 18 tutorials on various topics, chaired the IEEE Visualization Conference in 2009, and was the elected chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VGTC) from 2012-2015. Klaus has also served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics from 2019-2022. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

Some recent publications:

B. Ghai, K. Mueller, "D-BIAS: A Causality-Based Human-in-the-Loop System for Tackling Algorithmic Bias," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue IEEE VIS 2022), 29(1):473-482, 2023.

G. Wang, A. Badal, X. Jia, J. Maltz, K. Mueller, K. Myers, C. Niu, M. Vannier, P. Yan, Z. Yu, R. Zeng, “Development of Metaverse for Intelligent Healthcare,” Nature Machine Intelligence, 4, pp. 922–929, November 2022.

D. Coelho, N. Gupta, E. Papenhausen, K. Mueller, "Patterns of Social Vulnerability – An Interactive Dashboard to Explore Risks to Public Health on the US County Level," Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC, jointly held with AMIA), Washington, DC, November, 2022. (won Best Paper Award)

A. Liew, K. Mueller, "Using Large Language Models to Generate Engaging Captions for Data Visualizations," NLVIZ: Exploring Research Opportunities for Natural Language, Text, and Data Visualization (NLVIZ, Workshop jointly held with IEEE VIS), Oklahoma City. OK, October, 2022.

I. Chase, D. Coelho, W. Lee, K. Mueller, J. Curley, "Networks Never Rest: An Investigation of Network Evolution in Three Species of Animals," Social Networks, 68:356-373, 2022.

N. Hoque, K. Mueller, "Outcome-Explorer: A Causality Guided Interactive Visual Interface for Interpretable Algorithmic Decision Making," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(12): 4728-4740, 2021.

B. Ghai. M. Mishra, K. Mueller, "Cascaded Debiasing: Studying the Cumulative Effect of Multiple Fairness-Enhancing Interventions," ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Atlanta., GA, October, 2022.

B Ghai, K Mueller, "Fluent: An AI Augmented Writing Tool for People who Stutter," ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, October 18-22, 2021.

B. Ghai, Md. N. Hoque, K. Mueller, “WordBias: An Interactive Visual Tool for Discovering Intersectional Biases Encoded in Word Embeddings” ACM CHI Late Breaking Work and ACM Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO), 2021.

Md. N Hoque, S. Billah, N. Saquib, K. Mueller, “Toward Interactively Balancing the Screen Time of Actors Based on Observable Phenotypic Traits in Live Telecast,” ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), October 17-21, 2020.

B Ghai, QV Liao, Y Zhang, R Bellamy, K Mueller, “Explainable Active Learning (XAL): Toward AI Explanations as Interfaces for Machine Teachers,” ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), October 17-21, 2020

D. Coelho, I. Chase, K. Mueller, "PeckVis: A Visual Analytics Tool to Analyze Dominance Hierarchies in Small Groups," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(4), 1650-1660, 2020. (won Best Paper Award at the Visual Data Science Symposium (VDS) 2019)

Additional Links:
Google Scholar Page
Personal Research Website

Office: 1427 Old Computer Science
Office Hours:  By appointment
Phone: 631-632-1524